Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Final Shotlist

Day Time Setup Scene Shot Description Actors Length Location Other

19.02.14 15 1 1 Hallway track back. - 6 Stradbrook Dolly + Dedo's
19.02.14 15 1 2 Hallway track back. - 6 Stradbrook Dolly + Dedo's
19.02.14 15 1 3 Kitchen Track back. - 6 Stradbrook Dolly + Dedo's
22.02.14 15 2 1 Track back on path as N goes into driveway, pan to follow. N 8 G's house. Make sure to leave long enough for a cut before the pan Dedos?
22.02.14 10 2 2 OSS Nath grabbing letterbox. Focus on letterbox. Open door. N+G 5 G's house. Quite at an angle to N 1/2 oss 1/2 profile(or staring at paper. Dedos?
22.02.14 10 2 3 CU Nath's reaction Frontality. N 5 G's house. Dedos?
22.02.14 5 2 4 CU Nath's reaction from G's POV. N 5 G's house. Dedos?
22.02.14 5 2 5 Nath's POV of G. G 4 G's house. Stand up movment? Dedos?
22.02.14 10 2 6 MS 2shot from behind N. N+G 12 G's house. Behind to an angle, make sure to have it open, inclusive Dedos?
22.02.14 10 2 7 MS 2 shot from behind G. N+G 12 G's house. Behind to an angle, make sure to have it open, inclusive Dedos?
22.02.14 5 2 8 ECU cheek kiss. Angle 45* from back of head. N+G 4 G's house. Dedos?
22.02.14 15 2 9 Track back from behind N at kiss. CU to ML. N+G 8 G's house. RIGGING!! For the track going backwards Dedos?
22.02.14 10 7 1 ELS N sat on bench N 5 Park.
22.02.14 7 7 2 MCU N sips apple juice like whisky N 4 Park.
22.02.14 7 7 3 Profile of N sipping juice. OOF in the BQ Pete approaches. N+P 6 Park.
22.02.14 10 7 4 MLS 2shot from behind. N+P 90 Park.
22.02.14 15 7 5 MCU of N. Full scene. N 150 Park.
22.02.14 15 7 6 MCU of P. Full scene. P 150 Park.
22.02.14 15 7 7 CU of N. N 150 Park.
22.02.14 15 7 8 CU of P. P 150 Park.
22.02.14 5 7 9 CU2 shot (Specifically for the electrical faults dialogue) N+P 7 Park.
22.02.14 10 7 10 MLS 2Shot.  N+P 90 Park.
22.02.14 5 7 11 Low angle version of Pete's CU. P 8 Park.
22.02.14 10 7 12 Slow track in on Pete as he delivers his monologue.  P 15 Park.
22.02.14 10 7 13 Profile of N, Pete leans out as he spots G.  N+P 5 Park. Rack focus to Pete.
22.02.14 10 7 14 P's pov. N turns in side of shot to see G. N+G 5 Park.
22.02.14 15 7 15 MLS 3 shot from behind  N+P+G 60 Park.
22.02.14 10 7 16 High angle POV looking down at P and N. N+P 45 Park.
22.02.14 5 7 17 Shot from infront of N P and G looking at the "views". N+P+G 7 Park.
22.02.14 10 7 18 ELS of G then P then N leaving awkwardly. N+P+G 20 Park.
22.02.14 10 7 19 LS of G running past cam from opp side of path. N+P+G 8 Park.
22.02.14 15 14 2 N's POV G waving across the street. G 4 Stradbrook
23.02.14 20 3 1 Run whole scene from 1 shot opp the door.  N.M. 20 Dedo's for shop.
23.02.14 15 5 10 N pops back into shot framing G between the boys heads. N+J+G 10 STRADBROOK Expose so that it looks the same as rest of scene
23.02.14 20 6 1 Close up of N in shop looking at sweets. J+M oof in bg. N+J+M 20 Shop.
23.02.14 20 6 2 N framed between M+J gets closer to cam as speaking. N+J+M 45 Shop. WIDE ANGLE LENS
23.02.14 15 11 1 MS. Door opens and light shines on M. Then goes. M 15 Shop
23.02.14 15 11 2 MS track forward on N to CU. N 5 Shop
23.02.14 15 13 1 Low angle shot. N in FG, J and M in the BG N+J+M 6 Shop Wide lens
23.02.14 10 13 2 N's POV of M M 4 Shop
23.02.14 15 13 3 J ruffleing N's hair. Door is framed through his arm as opens. N+J+P 5 Shop
23.02.14 15 13 4 MCU of Pete entering. Mrs B behind him. P+MrsB 6 Shop
23.02.14 10 13 5 CU M reaction. M 4 Shop
23.02.14 15 13 6 P and MrsB moving across shop. N+J+M+B 7 Shop Track from other side of shop if space, if not more POV.
23.02.14 20 13 7 MS 5shot. Light shines upon everyone.  NJMBG 5 Shop Then dims slightly, not completely.
23.02.14 10 13 8 MCU beauty shot of G. G 5 Shop Beauty lighting.
23.02.14 15 13 9 MS of M as he talks and escapes his customers. M+MrsB+P 4 Shop
23.02.14 10 13 10 ML. M mrsB and P walk down isle past cam. M MrsB+P 5 Shop
23.02.14 10 13 11 ML of G as she walks to the left of N. N+G+J 4 Shop
23.02.14 15 13 12 N's Pov of G. Low angle. G 5 Shop
23.02.14 15 13 13 Close up of N embarrased. N 4 Shop
23.02.14 15 13 14 Similar to shot 3 but with N blocking door J in BG. N+G+J 8 Shop N moves and we see J leave. G helps N up.
24.02.14 15 4 1 Track back as N walks towards cam J runs past and hits him. N+J 8 Whirlow. Track or steadycam
24.02.14 15 4 2 PROFILE version of SC4SH1. N+J 8 Whirlow. Track or steadycam
24.02.14 10 4 3 CU walking then Running feet. Low still. Feet run past cam. N+J 8 Whirlow. Tripod
24.02.14 5 4 4 CU jakes hits N on head. From behind N opp J 45*. N+J 4 Whirlow. Steadycam
24.02.14 10 4 5 OSS N's shoulder as he watches J leave.  N+J 6 Whirlow. Tripod
24.02.14 15 5 1 J+N sit opp sides of bus stop extreme sides of frame. Long. N+J 20 Bus stop.
24.02.14 15 5 2 Frontality CU N. N 20 Bus stop. N turns side on "But its mine"
24.02.14 15 5 3 Frontality CU J. J 20 Bus stop.
24.02.14 15 5 4 MF MCU N. N 15 Bus stop.
24.02.14 10 5 5 MF MCU J. J 15 Bus stop.
24.02.14 15 5 6 Profile 2 shot J grabbing N. Pulled out version of SH2. N+J 10 Bus stop. Run till J drops N out of shot.
24.02.14 5 5 7 ECU N grabbed. N 8 Bus stop.
24.02.14 5 5 8 ECU J during grab. J 8 Bus stop.
24.02.14 10 5 9 CU of n on ground getting up. Frame through J's legs. N+J 4 Bus stop.
24.02.14 10 8 1 Profile shot of N looking out window. N. 5 N's House.
24.02.14 5 8 2 POV. N. 7 N's House.
24.02.14 10 9 1 Profile shot of N looking out winow, like 8.1 N 7 N's House.
24.02.14 5 9 2 POV. Sees J J 9 N's House.
24.02.14 5 9 3 ECU POV of watch N 4 N's House.
24.02.14 5 9 4 ECU of eyes and head dropping. Frontality. "its not over yet" N 6 N's House.
24.02.14 10 10 1 Layed down Paper lifting.Wide. Fails to lift. Shot from feet. N 6 N's Room
24.02.14 10 10 2 Montage Stairs. Low shot. N's head pops above the step. N 6 N's Stairs
24.02.14 10 10 3 Montage. Paper lifting.ML. Fails a little less. N 5 N's Room
24.02.14 10 10 4 Montage Stairs wider, track or pan up as he reaches top. N 5 N's Stairs
24.02.14 10 10 5 Montage. Paper lifting. Succeeds and sits up into MCU. N 6 N's Room
24.02.14 10 10 6 Montage Stairs track or pan as he reaches top triumphantly.  N 6 N's Stairs
25.02.14 10 12 1 ML N exits shop and runs towards the cam. N 4 Shop EXT
25.02.14 10 12 2 Wide. N runs through shot. N 5 Whirlow
25.02.14 10 12 3 Wide. N runs through shot. N 5 Whirlow
25.02.14 10 12 4 Wide. N runs through shot. N 5 Whirlow
25.02.14 5 12 5 CU forhead wipe. N 4 Whirlow
25.02.14 15 12 6 Track back as N runs towards camera. N 6 Whirlow
25.02.14 15 12 7 Paper in Door. Long. N 4 Whirlow Track across to letterbox.
25.02.14 10 12 8 Paper in Door. Medium N 4 Whirlow Track across to letterbox.
25.02.14 10 12 9 Paper in Door. Close N 4 Whirlow Track across to letterbox.
25.02.14 10 12 10 ECU of dog. DOG 4 - Track across like shot 7 but to dog not letterbox.
25.02.14 15 12 11 Dog POV through Wide location in sh2 N 4 Whirlow GO PRO
25.02.14 15 12 12 Dog POV through Wide location in sh3 N 4 Whirlow GO PRO
25.02.14 15 12 13 Dog POV through Wide location in sh4 N 4 Whirlow GO PRO
25.02.14 10 12 14 ML N exits shop and runs away from the cam. (SH1) N 4 Shop EXT
25.02.14 15 14 1 N walking towards cam at 30* of him. ML-M N 5 Stradbrook
25.02.14 10 14 3 CU of N smiling back. N 4 Stradbrook
25.02.14 10 14 4 POV from dog looking at N. N 4 Stradbrook

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